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日期:2020-07-12 阅读:2742 喜欢:0

      上海永慈康复医院坐落在虹桥国际医学园区,是上海市卫生和计划生育委员会批准的一家按三级康复医院设置的集临床与康复于一体的非营利性康复专科医院,占地面积2.2万平方米,建筑面积4万平方米,医疗业务面积3.6万平方米,医院环境优美,康复设施齐全,设置床位400张,展开床位可达600张。 目前医院设有门诊、急诊、临床医疗、临床康复、康复治疗技术和医技科室22个。包括骨与关节康复科、神经康复科、脊髓损伤康复科、老年康复科、心肺康复科、疼痛康复科、内科、外科、骨科、妇科、全科医学科、眼科、中医科、手术麻醉科、康复特护病房、高压氧治疗科、医学影像科、医学检验科等门类齐全的医技科室和功能检查室。科室设备先进,医护人员经验丰富。拥有最新型号数字摄片DR系统、移动DR系统及心肺运动测试系统,同时装备3.0核磁共振、64排PET/CT,现已发展为包括医、技、护及设备工程技术在内的专业队伍。 我院以重症康复医疗为特色,将现代康复技术与临床医学、传统医学紧密结合,开设传统中医治疗、物理治疗、运动治疗、作业治疗、言语治疗和精神心理咨询等,为各类患者提供从急性期抢救、疾患早期干预到中后期康复治疗的全面医疗服务。 上海永慈康复医院秉持“让患者生活更轻松,更简单,享受美好生活”的使命,努力把医院办成“康复病人之家”,力争成为医教研一体的三级康复医院。

Shanghai Yongci Rehabilitation Hospital, located in Hongqiao International Medical Garden, non-profit and Medicare sentinel units hospital which combined clinic and rehabilitation, with 22,000 square meters’ site area, 40,000 square meters’ covered area, 36,000 square meters’ medical business area, and beautiful environment, complete rehabilitation facilities, with 400 beds. Furthermore, the beds can be increased to 600.

For now, our hospital is equipped with 22 medical departments in outpatient service, clinical care and rehabilitation, including rehabilitation of bones and joints, neural rehabilitation, spinal cord injury rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, pain rehabilitation, and geriatric rehabilitation. Besides, departments of internal medicine, surgical operation, traditional Chinese medicine, Rehabilitation ICU, medical imaging, clinical laboratory medical and so on.

Our hospital is characterized by rehabilitation medicine, modern rehabilitation technology, clinical medicine and traditional Chinese medicine treatment. The establishment of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, physical therapy, exercise therapy, occupational therapy, language therapy and mental counseling provide comprehensive medical services for all types of patients from the acute period of rescue, the early intervention of illness to the late stage rehabilitation.

Our solemn promise, “Yongci”, is to give you family’s love for your health. In addition, “Yongci” is also our internal requirement. The achievement of our mission can't be separated from the superb medical, fine care, accurate rehabilitation technology, can't do without the care for staff.
